Help Wanted: Call for General Assembly volunteers
More than 20,000 Nazarenes will converge on Indianapolis, Indiana, for the Church of the Nazarene's 29th General Assembly and Conventions 21-30 June. It takes an multitude of people to make an event of this magnitude a success, and you can be a part.
No matter your skill set, the General Assembly Arrangements Office would appreciate your help. Volunteers are needed for ushering, welcome centers, greeting at the airport, and registration, just to name a few opportunities. Some volunteer openings require minimal time commitment.
Individuals may sign up to assist at nazarene.org/ga under the "Get Involved" tab.
“It takes a significant amount of people to manage the details at an event this large,” said David Wilson, general secretary for the Church of the Nazarene. “In addition to your prayers, we desire your participation.”
Volunteers are also needed for three separate children’s activities. The Kid Zone Playground will be open 21-25 June, and 12 volunteers are needed for each two-hour shift. On 22 June and 23 June, 20 volunteers are needed to assist with a four-hour Kidz Blitz Live performance. The final opportunity is to work with children attending World Quiz on 24 June.
All children’s volunteers are required to pass a background check and must go through the NazareneSafe training. Note: If you have a NazareneSafe certificate dated July 1, 2015, or after, you will NOT have to do the training again.
For more information about the children’s volunteer opportunities and to sign up, click here.
Learn more about General Assembly and Conventions at nazarene.org/ga.
--General Assembly Arrangements Office