With grateful hearts: Thank you for partnering in mission

With grateful hearts: Thank you for partnering in mission

Board of General Superintendents
| 25 Nov 2024
Men embracing in room of people

From the Board of General Superintendents:

As fiscal year 2024 comes to a close, the generosity of individuals and churches like you who choose to partner in mission with the Church of the Nazarene is more apparent than ever before. Your support through the World Evangelism Fund (WEF) is not just a donation—it is an investment in the eternal transformation of lives around the world.

This past year, your 2024 giving for World Evangelism was $38.5 million, surpassing last year's total of $37.2 by $1.3 million—an increase of 3.5%. For this, your global church cannot thank you enough. You are making an eternal impact by your generosity, and lives are being changed.

The World Evangelism Fund is not simply a missions fund. It is the lifeline of the Church of the Nazarene’s mission, enabling the church to bring the hope and love of Christ to every corner of the world. Your World Evangelism giving trains pastors, sends missionaries, builds schools, provides healthcare, and offers compassionate assistance to those in need. The transformative impact of your giving can be seen every day through the stories from around the globe:

  • In Africa, pastors are being trained to share the gospel in remote, unreached communities, equipping them to disciple new believers and spread God’s kingdom.
  • In South America, your support helps medical clinics deliver essential healthcare while addressing spiritual needs, offering Christ’s love to the most vulnerable.
  • In Mesoamerica, local churches are transforming communities through acts of love, providing food, shelter, and spiritual care in times of crisis.
  • In Asia-Pacific, compassionate ministry teams respond to natural disasters, bringing hope and healing while sharing the love of Christ with those in desperate need.
  • In Eurasia, your giving spreads the gospel in war-torn areas, where pastors and missionaries serve amid violence and persecution.
  • In USA/Canada, young adults are being equipped through discipleship programs to lead the next generation in living out their faith and sharing Christ's message.


These inspiring stories are being replicated throughout our world, thanks to your commitment and generosity. The impact of your giving is far-reaching and life-changing. Because of you, people across the world are hearing the gospel, receiving Christ’s love, and experiencing transformation in their lives. You are playing a vital role in fulfilling the church’s mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations.

Yet, even with the increase in giving, the need continues to grow. God’s call to spread the gospel has never been greater, and the World Evangelism Fund remains the lifeblood that fuels our ability to answer God’s call. As our global mission expands, the demands on WEF increase. Right now, World Evangelism giving does not cover everything we do. Full participation is needed from every Nazarene church and every individual who believes in the mission to continue bringing the message of Christ to the world.

Without World Evangelism giving, the work of the church could not go forward. Your continued support is essential to sustaining and growing our mission. Every gift matters, and every dollar you give to World Evangelism helps ensure that the gospel is proclaimed to the ends of the earth.

Your continued participation is vital to fulfilling our mission. Together, we can meet the challenges ahead and continue to make a lasting, eternal difference in the lives of those who have yet to experience the love of Christ. Please consider giving today at nazarene.org/wef.

The Board of General Superintendents thank you for being part of this global family of believers. Thank you for standing with us, giving generously, and believing in the power of Christ’s message to change lives. The work of our global church through your gift to World Evangelism is bringing hope, healing, and salvation to a world in need.

--Board of General Superintendents



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