Ghana women's ministry starts new church

Ghana women's ministry starts new church

by | 26 Oct 2017

When a group of women on the Ghana Midland District recently organized a women's ministry, they had no idea it would lead to a new church.

The women's ministry began with five churches as a way to strengthen their homes and families. This initiative was led by Comfort Akomaning, wife of the district superintendent, Alex Akomaning. Their purpose and vision are to be the light in their communities and churches and stand with their pastors and leaders. The women meet once a week at each church to study the Bible, encourage one another to have a positive impact on their communities and support their churches.

After the group began meeting, some district leaders were visiting the Adugyansu Church of the Nazarene near Akumadan when two women from Nyinatase — a much more remote area — asked the Nazarene women to come to their community and bring the message of holiness.

The ladies decided to plant a church through the showing of the JESUS film. They planned what to do, how to do it, and covered it in prayer.

"Fifteen youth and adults with lots of children received Jesus as their Lord and Savior at the film showing to start the new church," Alex Akomaning said.

The church met for their inaugural service at an open-air shelter rented from the Seventh-Day Adventists, but they are praying for a more permanent location.

Buoyed by this first church plant, the women are eager to continue with their work — including maybe more church planting using the JESUS film. The ladies on the Ghana Midland District plan to have their first district-wide convention in November, and Comfort Akomaning was asked to meet with the women in the Ghana North District in January 2018 to share about the women's ministry in her district.

--Church of the Nazarene Africa

The Church of the Nazarene exists to make Christlike disciples in the nations. These stories are made possible thanks to the prayers, involvement, and support of Nazarenes worldwide through the World Evangelism Fund



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