Church of the Nazarene on social media
The Church of the Nazarene can be found all over the world, and the social media world is no different. The following is a list of Nazarene entities, schools, and select individuals to follow online:
Church of the Nazarene (Official)
Global Ministry Center publications:
NCN News
Holiness Today
Engage magazine
Grace and Peace
Preacher's Magazine
Global Ministry Center entities:
Board of General Superintendents
Church of the Nazarene Foundation
JESUS Film Harvest Partners
Kids Reaching Kids
International Board of Education
Nazarene Archives
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
Nazarene Missions International
Nazarene Women's Network
Nazarene Youth International
Pensions and Benefits USA
Prayer Mobilization Lin (NMI)
Research Services
Stewardship Ministries
The Discipleship Place
Work & Witness
World Mission Broadcast
Regional entities:
Africa Region
Asia-Pacific Region
Eurasia Region
Mesoamerica Region
South America Region
USA/Canada Region
Nazarene Publishing House
Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library
Colleges and universities:
Africa Nazarene University
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Ambrose University College
Caribbean Nazarene College
Eastern Nazarene College
Korea Nazarene University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Nazarene Bible College
Nazarene Theological College-Brisbane
Nazarene Theological College-Manchester
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Northwest Nazarene University
Olivet Nazarene University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Southern Nazarene University
Southern Africa Nazarene University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Church of the Nazarene (Official) - @Nazarene
General superintendents:
Board of General Superintendents - @WayofHoliness
David A. Busic - @DavidBusic
Eugénio R. Duarte - @EugenioDuarte2
J. K. Warrick - @jkwarrick
Global Ministry Center publications:
NCN News - @NCNNews
Holiness Today - @HolinessToday
Engage magazine - @Engagemagazine
Preacher's Magazine - @PreachersMag
Global Ministry Center entities:
JESUS Film Harvest Partners - @JESUSFilmHP
International Board of Education - @NazareneIBOE
Dan Copp, Education Commissioner - @DanCopp
Nazarene Archives - @NazareneArchive
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries - @nazcompassion
Nazarene Missions International - @NMIGlobal
Nazarene Youth International - @GlobalNYI
USA/Canada NYI - @USACanadaNYI
Research Services - @NazResearch
Stewardship Ministries - @nazstewardship
Pensions & Benefits USA - @PBUSAnazarene
Nazarene Publishing House - @NazPublishing
Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library - @WHDLibrary
Global Mission Director - Verne Ward, @VerneWard
Africa Region - @NazAfrica
Filimao Chambo, Africa Regional Director - @fchambo
Asia-Pacific Region - @APNazRegion
Mark Louw, A-P Regional Director - @marklouw
Eurasia Region - @EurasiaRegion
Mesoamerica Region - @CNMesoamerica
Peru NYI - @jni_Lima
Colleges and universities:
Africa Nazarene University - @africanazarene
Ambrose University - @ambroseUC
Ambrose Seminary - @AmbroseSeminary
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary - @APNTS
Eastern Nazarene College - @EasternNazarene
MidAmerica Nazarene University - @followMNU
Mount Vernon Nazarene University - @MVNUNews
Nazarene Bible College - @NazBibleCollege
Nazarene Seminary of the Americas - @SENDASCR
Nazarene Theological College-Manchester - @NTC_Manchester
Deirdre Brower Latz, NTC-Manchester President - @BRWLTZ
Nazarene Theological Seminary - @NazSeminary
Carla Sunberg, NTS President - @CarlaSun
Northwest Nazarene University - @nwnazarene
Olivet Nazarene University - @OlivetNazareneU
Point Loma Nazarene University - @PLNU
Bob Brower, PLNU President - @PresBobbyB
Southern Nazarene University - @followSNU
Loren Gresham, SNU President - @SNUPrezzy
Trevecca Nazarene University - @Trevecca
Dan Boone, Trevecca President - @DanBooneTNU
Nazarene churches and additional non-Global Ministry Center entities: Click here
Church of the Nazarene - @nazareneofficial
GMC entities:
JESUS Film Harvest Partners - @jesusfilmharvestpartners
Holiness Today - @holinesstoday
Nazarene Youth International - @global_nyi
Nazarene Missions International - @nmiglobal
Stewardship Ministries - @stewardshipministries
USA/Canada NYI - @usacanada_nyi
Asia-Pacific Region - @apnazregion
Mesoamerica Region - @cnmesoamerica
Colleges and universities:
Africa Nazarene University - @africa_nazarene_uni
Ambrose University - @ambrose_uni
Eastern Nazarene College - @easternnazarene
MidAmerica Nazarene University - @mnupioneers
Mount Vernon Nazarene University - @mvnu1968
Nazarene Theological Seminary - @nazseminary
Northwest Nazarene University - @nwnazarene
Olivet Nazarene University - @olivetnazarene
Point Loma Nazarene University - @plnu
Southern Nazarene University - @southernnazareneuniversity
Trevecca Nazarene University - @trevecca