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Doris Palma

Celebrating the life, ministry of Doris Palma

Doris Palma de Urcia, a pastor in Peru, passed away 19 August 2022. Doris served in pastoral ministry as co-pastor in the Urrunaga church. She was a tireless evangelist, both in outdoor services, in the church, and at a personal level.
09 Sep 2022
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Living the Great Comission- Original People's

Living the Great Commission training goes to Argentina's Original People's District

A Living the Great Commission event was held among the native tribes in the town of Laguna Nainek, located in the north of Argentina. The Original Peoples District helped organize the event and were joined by the pastors and leaders of the Qom ethnic group.
02 Sep 2022
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Ecuador woman's passion for children's discipleship impacts community

Keren Chuiza's passion for children's discipleship rubbed off on others and has helped expand the ministry in Cuenca, Ecuador, and inspired those on the Sierra SUR District to step up as well.
18 Aug 2022
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A volunteer writes a message on a brick laid for the church in Guazucua. 

Paraguay church built in partnership thanks to Missouri Nazarenes

A group of 18 volunteers from the Missouri District of the Church of the Nazarene in the United States donated their money and vacation time to help build a church in the town of Guazucua, located 30 minutes from the city of Pilar in Paraguay.
11 Aug 2022
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Sismo Juvenil

Sismo Juvenil develops youth leaders in Ecuador

More than 65 leaders of 24 churches in Ecuador held the first youth leadership summit for the relaunch of the Sismo Juvenil (Youth Earthquake), which is a support to the ministry of the youth in the Sierra Centro District.
04 Aug 2022
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Zoom Prayer

Power of prayer unites Brazilian Nazarenes

On the 3rd Friday of each month, the District of São Paulo meets via Zoom to pray. They pray for local churches and leaders, global leadership, missionaries and children of missionaries, and more. They testify to the time of prayer and what God has been doing in them since it began.
26 Jul 2022
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Venezuela Landfill.

Venezuela churches minister to people at landfill

A compassionate outreach event called Love, Peace, and Mercy was recently carried out in the municipal landfill of Barinas, Venezuela. The event was organized by the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries of the Venezuela Llanos District in May 2022.
22 Jul 2022
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Argentina national conference

Argentina Nazarenes hold in-person national conference for first time in three years

The Church of the Nazarene in Argentina recently held its first in-person national meeting of the ministries since 2019. The event was called A lo Nuestro, meaning "in our own contexts.”
15 Jul 2022
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Supporting Missionaries

Argentina district brings care, connection initiative to missionaries

The Nazarene Missions International team of the Argentina Central District took advantage of the missionary care emphasis in the month of May to launch a digital awareness campaign on the integral care of the missionary.
08 Jul 2022
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Venezuela church captures community's attention with car show

El Caujaro Church of the Nazarene on the Lago District of Venezuela invited the community to participate in a car show in May. The noise and lights from the cars caused enough curiosity that more than 250 people came to the church to see this great party.
07 Jul 2022
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Kerry Fulcher

Point Loma Nazarene University elects new…

03 Jul 2024
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Lamb Park

Ohio church revitalizes community baseball…

03 Jul 2024
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VGC Ecuador

Over 100 Ecuador nazarenes participate in…

03 Jul 2024
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Namibia Church of the Nazarene celebrates…

01 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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