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New technology helps teachers in remote areas receive valuable resources

In a global denomination with 2 million members, the Internet is an invaluable resource for connecting people around the world. Despite all its usefulness, the Internet does have its limitations, and that's just if you can access it. As much as 60 percent of the world's population can't access the
30 Oct 2015
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Board of General Superintendents invites support for upcoming Thank Offering

Nazarenes around the world are joining together for the 2015 Thanksgiving, or Thank, Offering for the World Evangelism Fund. As we remember God’s goodness, we “sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy.” (Psalm 107:22). This offering plays a critical role in funding the
20 Oct 2015
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Global praise reports and prayer requests: October 16, 2015

Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include: PRAISES JESUS Film - Haiti "I collapsed while they prayed for me," said Seraphin in Haiti. "As I passed by a JESUS film showing, the people began to talk with me. They
15 Oct 2015
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American Bible Society Offering to benefit Cuba

Since its inception in 1816, the American Bible Society has strived to provide the Scriptures to every man, woman, and youth in a language and format each can readily understand. Nazarene churches are invited to receive an annual offering for this organization on the second Sunday of December. This
13 Oct 2015
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Lay leaders: October 2015

Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry International's The Discipleship Place congratulates the following individuals approved by their pastor and local church board to receive a certificate of lay ministry. Upon approval, they will complete lay ministry courses . Doyle Brazeal, New Port Richey
12 Oct 2015
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Celebrate pastors during Clergy Appreciation Month

Think for a moment of all the clergy who have impacted your faith journey through the years. October is the time to say "Thank you!" So, gather a Sunday school class, inspire your home group, or engage the entire congregation in a creative, intentional effort to express your appreciation to the
09 Oct 2015
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Global praise reports and prayer requests: October 9, 2015

Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include: PRAISES JESUS Film - Cuba "I have suffered because of my husband," said Isabel in Cuba. "We have been married for 24 years. Though he is a doctor, he is also an
07 Oct 2015
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Nazarene Foundation hires vice president for gift planning

The Church of the Nazarene Foundation hired Jon Twitchell to serve as vice president of gift planning. He will serve as the regional representative for the U.S. southwest and work from his home in Southern California. “I'm looking forward to helping local churches and individual donors maximize the
02 Oct 2015
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Stories Volume 3 — 2015 now available

The Church of the Nazarene's Stories DVD series connects churches around the world through the personal accounts of Nazarenes from diverse backgrounds. This resource, formerly known as the World Mission DVD, is delivered three times a year through an email newsletter. The videos are a collaborative
01 Oct 2015
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Global praise reports and prayer requests: September 25, 2016

Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include: PRAISES JESUS Film - India "It was a very happy moment for us," said a team leader in India. "We have started a preaching point. This was a bit of a process. Our team
23 Sep 2015
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Glacier In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 14 March 2025

13 Mar 2025
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New York church uses kitchen to meet…

13 Mar 2025
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Vadana Kinkar

Vandana Kinkar elected superintendent of…

12 Mar 2025
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Chile national women's conference emphasizes…

12 Mar 2025
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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