New Courses Available by The Discipleship Place
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 17 Okt 2022

The Discipleship Place has been at work planning the redesign of the website, filming new courses, and designing an interactive version of the How to Study the Bible course!
- Interactive Course: How to Study the Bible. People will find this new format engaging, fun, and interactive, redesigned with game elements and a visually appealing look. Get started now by clicking here.
- Discipleship and Mental Disorders. These teaching videos will be released in early 2023 and feature Dr. Janet Dean. Key questions about mental disorders and the church community will be addressed, along with several “skills videos” to help those who may struggle with a mental disorder.
- Small Group Discipleship. These teaching videos will be available in early 2023 and feature Rev. Michael Downs. In the video series, key discipleship principles are discussed, followed by a demonstration of how these principles can be practiced in a small group setting.