ANU supports community through prayer, volunteerism following Garissa attack

ANU supports community through prayer, volunteerism following Garissa attack

by | 14 Apr 2015

April 2, 2015, will remain a day forever etched in minds and hearts of Kenyans as news of the Garissa University College attack hit the airwaves, revealing the loss of 148 lives.

The Africa Nazarene University community, through the Spiritual Development Department, delivered donated food and drinks April 7 to the Kenya Red Cross based at the Chiromo Morgue to aid in assisting the counselors, relief workers, and the slain victims’ families, most of whom were lodged in camps pending DNA results to identify their loved ones.

Leading the team, University Chaplain Cindy North believes the traits displayed through the university’s generous support are a reflection of unity to serve to the community.

The Counseling Psychology Department joined the team to offer counseling services to survivors and the victims' families.

On April 10, the university gathered in demarcated booths to pray for the following:

  • Families of deceased students and soldiers
  • Injured students and soldiers
  • Missing students
  • Rescued students
  • Counselors and medical staff at Kenyatta National Hospital and Garissa Referral Hospital, members of Ministry of Health, and staff at Chiromo Mortuary
  • Kenya's government
  • The Body of Christ in Kenya
  • The ANU community

The university community continues to demonstrate its commitment to serving the community through an ongoing campaign seeking donations to meet the needs of the families, counselors, and relief workers.

“In the aftermath of the Garissa attack, our ANU community continues to mourn while seeking opportunities to come alongside those who are hurting to share hope and encouragement," North said. "Prayerful discernment led our Spiritual Development team to collect donations for the many traumatized families and to provide a quiet place to pray over the many issues and concerns this event has brought to everyone in Kenya. The Holy Spirit has strengthened our own hearts in this week through the words of Psalm 119:98: ‘Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is always with me’ (NRSV). May we continue to respond with grace through the power of our resurrected Lord Jesus in all circumstances.”

--Africa Nazarene University



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