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Ethiopia Flag

Flags of the Nations: Ethiopia

Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*.
22 Jul 2024
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Ethiopia Nazarenes

3,500 Nazarenes gather for Ethiopia National Conference

More than 3,500 Ethiopian Nazarenes traveled to a national conference for the Church of the Nazarene, held in the southern city of Hawasa from 12-14 May 2023.
06 Jul 2023
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Ethiopia Featured Image

Ethiopia Nazarenes celebrate unity at leadership conference

The Ethiopia National Church of the Nazarene partnered with the Creative Leadership Institute of Ethiopia for a seminar held in May that was attended by 75 representatives at the district level from around the country.
11 Aug 2022
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Africa Ordinands

Africa Region celebrates 103 newly ordained men, women

A total of 103 African men and women were ordained at services held across the continent from 5 — 20 March 2022. The district of Senegal ordained its first ministers in nearly a decade.
13 Apr 2022
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Africa Whatsapp

East Africa ministry uses messaging apps to continue children's ministry

Nazarene Children for Christ Ministries for East Africa, a discipleship ministry that works in six countries, is using social media and messaging applications to continue teaching children throughout the pandemic.
17 Sep 2021
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Horn of Africa church members contribute to disaster relief despite famine, displacement

The summer of 2017 has had more than its share of natural disasters: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, earthquakes in Mexico, mudslides in Sierra Leone, floods in India and Bangladesh, unprecedented property damage, and an ongoing loss of life. Human migration, driven by war, disease, disaster,
26 Sep 2017
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Churches respond to food crisis in East Africa

Extreme drought, violent conflict, and scarcity have created a food crisis that is making it nearly impossible for people in East Africa to get the food they need to survive. Famine has already been declared in South Sudan . Severe drought in other countries, including Kenya , Ethiopia , and Somalia
17 Mar 2017
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Gambella violence affects Nazarene church members

Children from the Church of the Nazarene's Gambella district pose for a photo (Katy Rodebush photo). More than 200 people are dead and at least 145 children were abducted during an April 15 raid in the Gambella province of Ethiopia. Many of the victims are Nazarenes. Gambella is home to one of the
02 Jun 2016
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Missionaries reach east Africa refugees through training, literature

Ermias and Mulu Choliye (left) lead refugee ministries in east Africa. Designer Uwizeya Marie Clementine (right) teaches refugee women marketable skills, such as bead work. Ethiopian missionaries Ermias Mekuria and Mulu Meseret Choliye, who recently moved to Nairobi, Kenya, are ministering to
12 Aug 2015
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The message of hope, from one refugee to another

Rev. Nguth (center) gathers with brothers and sisters and a new refugee settlement in Ethiopia in January. (Photos: John Yual Nguth) Thousands of people have fled from heavy fighting and food shortages in South Sudan to seek safety in neighboring countries. John Yual Nguth, the Nazarene mission
19 Jun 2015
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 13 September 2024

13 Sep 2024
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Peggy Trumble

Celebrating the life, ministry of Peggy…

12 Sep 2024
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Mark Brown

The Foundry announces retirement of CEO

12 Sep 2024
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Ericka Esteban

Guatemalan athlete competes in second…

12 Sep 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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