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NYC Students cooking

NYC students feed the hungry in Africa, Louisville

A plastic, sealed bag filled with a small portion of rice, a few grams of soy, a tiny mix of dehydrated vegetables, and a scoop of powder mixed with 11 vitamins can feed an entire family for a day. "All you need is water and fire and you can make a meal to feed six people," said Topher Philgreen
08 Jul 2011
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McClurkan Building, TNU

Trevecca begins renovation of historic McClurkan building

Trevecca Nazarene University's historic McClurkan building is getting a makeover. Preparations are underway for a $4 million renovation to the building, scheduled for completion in March 2012. Earlier this summer the offices of the Millard Reed School of Religion were relocated to the Tidwell
07 Jul 2011
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WEF Logo

100-Percent Districts

District assemblies continue on the USA/Canada Region in 2011 and reports arriving at the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center show more sacrificial generosity among Nazarenes. The Board of General Superintendents reports goals are being reached in giving to the World Evangelism Fund,
07 Jul 2011
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NCN Praying Logo

NMI's Prayer Mobilization Line offers Facebook option

Nazarene Missions International recently added an interactive Facebook option for their long-running Prayer Mobilization Line. "Facebook is where people meet online today," said Ann Baldwin, PML coordinator. "We couldn't think of a better way to provide the church with the latest prayer needs and a
07 Jul 2011
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NYC Grace and Nathan

Students engage in Ministry With Others at more than 200 sites

Students came alongside ministries and organizations Wednesday to reach and impact Kentucky and Indiana communities in Ministry With Others day at Nazarene Youth Conference 2011 - A World Unbroken. "Today, more than 6,000 people boarded buses and went out to over 200 project sites," said Marty
06 Jul 2011
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David Busic

Busic declines NTS presidency

Following nearly four weeks of prayer and dialogue, Bethany, Oklahoma, First Church of the Nazarene Senior Pastor David Busic informed the Nazarene Theological Seminary Board of Trustees that he will decline his election as president. Chair of the NTS Board, Jeren Rowell said, "Our process of
06 Jul 2011
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Sidney Emmert in plane

Plane crash takes life of Oklahoma Nazarene layman

Sidney Emmert died of injuries suffered from a plane crash this weekend in Colorado. He was 50. Emmert was piloting a vintage single-engine stunt plane when it crashed in the mountains 100 miles south of Denver and 55 miles west of Colorado Springs. KKTV reported the plane’s passenger, Dr. Robert
05 Jul 2011
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Ben and Jean Webb

Church recognizes Nazarene for perfect attendance

Ben Webb celebrated 70 years of Sunday School perfect attendance this past Sunday. As part of the celebration, Webb was awarded the Second Mile Award from Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International. Webb turned 80 in January, and he and his wife, Jean, have been members of the
30 Jun 2011
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Oliver Phillips

Phillips to leave GMC, accepts pastorate in Florida

After more than 10 years of service at the Global Ministry Center of the Church of the Nazarene, Dr. Oliver Phillips announced his decision to accept the call to pastor the Colonial Church of the Nazarene in Orlando, Florida. Phillips left the innovative ministry of Community of Hope in Washington,
30 Jun 2011
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Naztoons by Dave Anderson

Book takes an illustrated look at the Nazarene church

A new book, Naztoons , looks at the Church of the Nazarene through a collection of cartoons by artist Dave Anderson. Anderson, a 40-year-employee of the Church of the Nazarene International Headquarters/Global Ministry Center, takes a "tongue-in-cheek" approach to life, which he illustrates in each
29 Jun 2011
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New York church uses kitchen to meet…

13 Mar 2025
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Vadana Kinkar

Vandana Kinkar elected superintendent of…

12 Mar 2025
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Chile national women's conference emphasizes…

12 Mar 2025
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Danny Sison elected superintendent of Panay…

12 Mar 2025
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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