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ANU supports community through prayer, volunteerism following Garissa attack

April 2, 2015, will remain a day forever etched in minds and hearts of Kenyans as news of the Garissa University College attack hit the airwaves, revealing the loss of 148 lives. The Africa Nazarene University community, through the Spiritual Development Department, delivered donated food and drinks
14 Apr 2015
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Africa hosts first regional conference since 2003

The workshops, messages, and Q-and-A sessions with leaders aligned with the region's vision to "Prepare the Way" for people to know Jesus. "I believe that the Lord visited His church in Africa in a very special way," Africa Regional Director Filimao Chambo said. "I am thrilled to see and hear a
19 Mar 2015
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Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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Mongolia holiness gathering equips future…

24 Sep 2024
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Flags of the Nations: Guyana

23 Sep 2024
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