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School of Promise Galena

Thailand student shares faith with family

When Galena began attending School of Promise, it seemed clear that she was hearing each Bible story for the first time. Now, her faith has grown and she is sharing it with her parents.
15 Jul 2020
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School of promise outreach

Thailand school reaches out to neighbors amid COVID-19

The School of Promise in Hang Dong, Thailand, wanted to help its students' families as the school began to shut down due to the coronavirus. Their distribution began to go beyond just their immediate students.
12 Jun 2020
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Thailand Soccer Mission Trip

Thailand ministry receives soccer equipment

Katriel Nyman, a 13-year-old from the Grandview, Washington, Church of the Nazarene, recently traveled to Thailand for her first missions trip. She did not know much about Thailand, but she knew that they played soccer. “A lot of my friends play soccer and some of their dads and moms are coaches,”
14 Feb 2020
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USA, Brazil Work & Witness team serves in Thailand

A combined Work & Witness team from Lubbock, Texas, and São Paulo, Brazil, traveled to Korat, Thailand, to share the love of Christ and assist with the work at Baan Jai Di (House of Good Heart). The trip was made possible after Jake and Mimi Page had an idea for a joint missions trip. The team
26 Jul 2019
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Asia-Pacific Region develops new discipleship strategy

The Asia-Pacific Regional Discipleship Council met 7-9 May to review and plan their future discipleship ministry strategy. Regional Discipleship Coordinator John Eun Yup Kim encouraged the council members to continue developing discipleship ministries in their districts without neglecting the tasks
29 May 2019
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Thailand church embraces mobile identity

Across the Asia-Pacific Region, leaders are finding new and innovative ways to expand the kingdom of God. One of these leaders is Daniel Saguichai from Thailand. Aside from serving as the Chapman International College ( formerly Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College ) Thailand academic supervisor,
09 May 2019
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Couple uses retirement as opportunity to serve in missions

Some people might picture retired life as an opportunity for relaxation, but for Larry and Becky Haight, retirement was an opportunity to serve the Lord. Larry served as the director of library services at Simpson University for more than 20 years, and Becky served as a public school teacher
22 Mar 2019
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SEANBC develops video lectures for pastoral training

Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College is developing a series of video lectures that can be played on smart TVs without the need for internet access, enabling pastors to receive theological training in heavily persecuted areas. These videos will cover the entire Course of Study for a minister in the
25 Jan 2019
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Korea medical mission team serves Myanmar migrant workers

A team of doctors and volunteers from South Korea recently traveled to Thailand to provide physical and emotional support to Myanmar migrants working in the country. Myanmar migrants can be seen all over the world as they work to provide a better life for their families back home, but this life can
23 Jan 2019
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Registration now open for 2019 Asia-Pacific regional conference

Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific will host its next regional conference, "Unleash 2019," in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 19 to 22 October 2019. "We believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is strong enough to move mountains and sensitive enough to urge hearts toward change," the region said in its
10 Aug 2018
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 27 September 2024

27 Sep 2024
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Roam volunteers help wash tent at Salyer Lake.

ROAM Volunteers impact nazarene camps,…

27 Sep 2024
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Brazil Missions Trip

Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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