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Fellowship strengthens bonds in Metro Manila District pastors’ kids

The Metro Manila District held a gathering of over 70 pastors’ kids of all ages for their annual fellowship and gathering. Over the years, attendees have formed a tight-knit support network.
27 Jun 2024
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Asia-Pacific media training

Philippines Luzon Highland District equips youth for media ministry

The Luzon Highland District recently organized an audio and media workshop to equip ministers and youth volunteers with skills in sound engineering/mixing and media production to enhance their church services and outreach efforts.
28 May 2024
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PMN Palcon

PALCON empowers Phillippines-Micronesia Field leaders

Over 300 leaders from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao joined the Pastors’ and Laymen Conference (PALCON) 9-11 April 2024, held at Rizal Recreation Center in the Philippines.
08 May 2024
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Mindoro District

New district established on Philippines-Micronesia Field

Global Missions officially announced that the island of Mindoro in the Philippines has reached its Phase 1 status, meaning that a new district has been established. To learn more about the Mindoro district, click read more.
27 Mar 2024
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Box of Hope brings light to Philippines children

For ten years, the Box of Hope initiative has blessed children from around Mindanao, Philippines. This year, Box of Hope was brought to children near the Iligan Church of the Nazarene, in the Libandayan barangay.
14 Mar 2024
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Philippines Nazarenes provide aid after deadly floods, landslides

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Philippines and the Nazarene Disaster Response team provided immediate help to 400 affected families from 18 areas in Eastern Mindanao 3-6 February 2024 due to severe flooding that devastated the province.
07 Mar 2024
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Philippines Highlands Districts New DS

Philippine Luzon District splits to form two Phase-3 districts

During the 70th district assembly for the Philippine Luzon district, the district split into two fully self-sustaining Phase-3 districts, the Philippine Luzon Highlands and Lowlands districts, respectively. The election of Sam Galino as the first superintendent of the Luzon Highlands district
19 Jan 2024
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NCM Philippines brings aid to Mayon Volcano evacuees

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Philippines, along with the disaster response team from the Bicol District, provided immediate help for families forced to evacuate due to the threat of the Mayon Volcano eruption. The relief operation was carried out on 28 June 2023.
14 Jul 2023
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Love Works

LoveWorks team serves alongside Philippines churches

10 students and faculty from Point Loma Nazarene University came to the Philippines as part of the LoveWorks team.
06 Jul 2023
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Work & Witness-Bicol

Oregon Work & Witness team serves Philippines community

The Bicol District welcomed the first Work & Witness team post-COVID-19 to serve their district and the community in Bicol, Philippines. 3 members from the Grace Point Church of the Nazarene in Albany, Oregon, traveled to Legazpi City to partner with the district on a project to build a new district
09 Jun 2023
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VGC Ecuador

Over 100 Ecuador nazarenes participate in…

03 Jul 2024
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Namibia Church of the Nazarene celebrates…

01 Jul 2024
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NNU team joins locals to build WASH project…

01 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Flag

Flags of the Nations: Ecuador

01 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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