Nicaragua Central District donates food to communities in need

Nicaragua Central District donates food to communities in need

by | 25 Jun 2018

The Nicaragua Central District donated supplies to more than 125 families in Ventarron and Monte Fresco, Nicaragua, who are experiencing food shortages. District Superintendent Maria Antonia Ponce and other volunteers delivered the food and clothing 20 June.

Blockades caused by protests through the country are preventing deliveries to various communities in the country, leading to the current food shortages.

During the delivery, the truck they were using broke down, but Ponce said they were able to find another truck driver who was willing to take the team to their destination.

“The delivery was a great display of teamwork [in which] people participated in many different ways," Ponce said. "Some donated food, others divided the donations into packages, and others delivered the donations. We want to express our deep gratitude to all of the churches who organized and held food drives, and we are grateful for our regional Nazarene Compassionate Ministries for their friendship and help in these difficult times for us all.”

Though Nicaragua is experiencing difficult social and economic situations, Ponce and the rest of the district continue reaching out to their communities.

"Seeing the joy in the children and the love of the parents makes it all worth it," Ponce said.

Continued prayer is requested for Nicaragua. 

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica



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