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Syria Turkey Earthquakes

Recovery efforts continue in aftermath of Syria, Turkey earthquake

In the month since two devastating earthquakes struck Syria and Turkey, UNICEF reports that more than 50 thousand people have died, and more than 850 thousand children remain displaced.
28 Mar 2023
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Nazarenes respond to earthquakes in Turkey, Syria

A powerful earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria has claimed the lives of more than 41,000 people and left more than 100,000 people injured. The destruction leaves millions displaced in a region already sheltering four million war refugees.
16 Feb 2023
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Shocking sight of ruins leads India man to start local ministry

When Isaac Ingle saw the ruins of the ancient city of Pergamum, Turkey, in 2015, he was shocked to find that the church planted by the Apostle Paul had long since been abandoned with the rest of the city. Until then, Ingle had never traveled outside of his home country of India. That year he decided
25 Jul 2019
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A greater need: Nazarene volunteers serve refugees in Greece, Serbia, Croatia

Photo by Jon Morton The controversial EU-Turkey Deal of March 2016 resulted in expansive EU-nation border closures to tens of thousands of refugees across Europe. In the months before March 23, Courage for the Journey, a ministry of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries on the Central Europe Field, was
12 Oct 2016
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BGS asks for peace, healing, reconciliation

Recent global events remind us yet again that our world continues to be divided by many political, ethnic, racial, and cultural issues. Horrific violence in places such as the Middle East, Belgium, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Louisiana, Minnesota, Florida, and Texas, USA, cast images of hatred that
08 Jul 2016
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Ministry of presence: Church continues refugee response in Balkans

Photos by Brandon Sipes As the war in Syria continues to destroy cities and as conditions in refugee camps in Jordan , Lebanon, and Turkey worsen, scores of refugees continue to make their way toward Europe. Just this year more than 135,000 refugees and migrants have traveled from Turkey to Europe
31 Mar 2016
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Nazarene church helps German town settle refugees

Many refugees headed for Europe come from cultures that place great value hospitality, so there could be no greater expression of love and welcome than the community hosting a big meal for their new neighbors. That’s exactly what happened 17 October when a network of churches and organizations in
02 Dec 2015
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Eurasia Nazarenes assist during refugee crisis

For four years, the war in Syria has dragged on. For four years, people have hoped for peace, have lingered in their broken cities, have hung on in spite of reality, but the peace has not come. Instead, new crises have erupted — foremost, the threatening advance of ISIS. As thousands of people fled
11 Sep 2015
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In Memoriam beach

In Memoriam: 19 July 2024

18 Jul 2024
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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