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South Sudan

Flags of the Nations: South Sudan

Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*.
09 Jan 2024
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Extreme hunger crisis continues in east Africa

An extreme hunger crisis continues in east Africa. Famine has been declared in parts of the region, and other areas are facing severe food shortages that could easily turn into famine. Millions of people are in need of emergency food relief. This crisis is directly affecting Nazarene families in
18 May 2017
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Churches respond to food crisis in East Africa

Extreme drought, violent conflict, and scarcity have created a food crisis that is making it nearly impossible for people in East Africa to get the food they need to survive. Famine has already been declared in South Sudan . Severe drought in other countries, including Kenya , Ethiopia , and Somalia
17 Mar 2017
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Africa Region requests continued prayer for South Sudan

A South Sudan child prays for peace. John Yual Nguth, a Church of the Nazarene missionary on the Africa East Field, recently provided an update on the situation in South Sudan. "We have been praying for South Sudan for three years, since civil war broke out in December 2013," he said. "There has
19 Jul 2016
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Pastor requests prayer after hundreds killed in South Sudan

CTV News photo Stephen, pastor of the South Sudan Church of the Nazarene in Mount Waverley, Australia, recently returned from a trip to South Sudan, where he found that as many as 208 of the Australia church member's family and friends have been killed. Additionally, another 102 are still missing
28 Apr 2016
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The message of hope, from one refugee to another

Rev. Nguth (center) gathers with brothers and sisters and a new refugee settlement in Ethiopia in January. (Photos: John Yual Nguth) Thousands of people have fled from heavy fighting and food shortages in South Sudan to seek safety in neighboring countries. John Yual Nguth, the Nazarene mission
19 Jun 2015
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Tree in focus

In Memoriam: 12 July 2024

11 Jul 2024
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Argentina Water is Life project

Water and Life helps develop rural Argentina…

11 Jul 2024
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Church of the Nazarene growing in south…

11 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Rescatados

Rescatados camp reaffirms God’s call on…

11 Jul 2024
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