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Nazarenes in East Africa train, equip refugees for ministry

As more than half a million refugees seek shelter throughout northeastern Africa, longtime Nazarene missionaries Gabor* and Tafui* Buhari are employing innovative ways to serve them: radio broadcast, training in handicrafts, and reuniting separated family members. One of the tools they have found
21 Sep 2016
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PALCON sessions equip, challenge Malawi leaders

Nearly 150 Malawi pastors and leaders from the Church of the Nazarene's five districts gathered for the Pastors and Leaders Conference (PALCON), themed " Prepare the Way of the Lord." Invited guests included Africa South-East Field Strategy Coordinator Paul Mtambo, Africa South Field Strategy
15 Sep 2016
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My leap of faith story: The cost of obedience

When God is calling you to give up everything – your fulltime job, your lifestyle, your family, your city – He will also make a way for you to be obedient. Three weeks before we obeyed that kind of call on our lives, my husband, Franscois, and I were married. As newlyweds, we moved with only two
07 Sep 2016
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New well brings hope to Liberia community

College View is a newly established community in Sanniquellie in Nimba county on the Church of the Nazarene's Liberia Central District. College View became accessible in 2011 and gained its name from the Nimba County Community College, the only government-formed institution of higher education in
23 Aug 2016
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Longtime Scottish missionary doctor Samuel Hynd remembered

Dr Samuel Hynd (left) with business mogul Natie Kirsh in an undated picture. ( Swazi Observer photo) Dr Samuel Hynd, a longtime Scottish missionary to Swaziland, passed away August 18 at the age of 91. Hynd was born on 19 December 1924 in the home of his grandfather, George Sharpe, the founder of
18 Aug 2016
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Liberia project empowers women through training

Liberia was ravaged by the Ebola crisis as well as civil wars over the last decades, reducing the male population. Many women must now provide for their families. In partnership with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, the Nazarene Women's Project has been in operation since 2001. Edith N'Boyou, a
18 Aug 2016
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Zimbabwe pastor opens extension center, trains next generation of pastors

Zimbabwe West District Superintendent A. Nyoni In 2002, Noah Sibanda graduated from Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Kenya, with a master's degree in religion. In August of that same year, Sibanda returned to his home country of Zimbabwe, where Zimbabwe West District Superintendent A. Nyoni
17 Aug 2016
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Tribute to Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo

Africa Regional Director Filimao Chambo shared the following tribute to his father, Rev. Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo: Grieving and celebrating a life well-lived! My dad, Rev. Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo, has passed into glory on 4 August 2016. He was 78 years old. I sure would have loved to have
15 Aug 2016
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West Africa churches create community change through WASH

Water, sanitation, and hygiene are essential for healthy living, but in Sierra Leone and Liberia, these basics are not a given. In Sierra Leone, a 2012 survey of 28,000 water points conducted by the government’s Ministry of Water Resources showed that 52 percent of peo­ple in rural areas have no
12 Aug 2016
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Liberia pastor reaches tens of thousands

Tee Latahn, a Nazarene pastor, school director, and radio host, lives in Karnplay, Liberia. He is from the Dan people group and speaks the Dan language. His congregation also speaks Dan, as do 5,000 Nazarenes on his district, plus an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people in Liberia, and more outside of
28 Jul 2016
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 27 September 2024

27 Sep 2024
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Roam volunteers help wash tent at Salyer Lake.

ROAM Volunteers impact nazarene camps,…

27 Sep 2024
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Brazil Missions Trip

Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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