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Goats galore: Breeding hope for children in Benin

Moïse Toumoudagou of Pendjari, Benin, in West Africa was only 7 when his father died. As part of a cultural tradition, his aunt gave him a hen to raise with the help of his mother. In a year, he had about 40 chickens. Many years later, this simple but life-changing gift gave Moïse an idea that he
31 May 2017
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Nazarenes help meet needs in Ebola-stricken communities

Just over three years ago, the worst Ebola outbreak in history began, taking more than a year to control and eradicate. The disease devastated three countries in West Africa: Guinea (Conakry), Sierra Leone, and Liberia. By the time the outbreak dissipated, nearly 27,000 people were infected and more
25 May 2017
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Extreme hunger crisis continues in east Africa

An extreme hunger crisis continues in east Africa. Famine has been declared in parts of the region, and other areas are facing severe food shortages that could easily turn into famine. Millions of people are in need of emergency food relief. This crisis is directly affecting Nazarene families in
18 May 2017
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Nazarenes respond to flooding in US Midwest

A devastating series of storms produced tornadoes throughout areas of the U.S. Midwest and South 29-30 April. The storms affected Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. In Missouri and Arkansas, the storms also created massive flooding, with more rains
04 May 2017
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New Haiti wells provide water for thousands

Nazarene Compassionate Ministry's Haiti Water Project has drilled six wells over the last three months in partnership with Helping Hands, a nongovernmental agency. Because each well reaches approximately 1,500 people, the Haiti Water Project has been able to provide water for about 9,000 people
04 May 2017
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'Are you willing to be healed?'

Mary, a staff member of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Lanka (NCML), makes her own lunch every day before heading out to work. But she rarely gets to eat it. In her job as the local leader for compassionate ministry to laborers and their families in the Sri Lankan tea gardens of Pattana, Dimbulla
13 Apr 2017
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Churches respond to food crisis in East Africa

Extreme drought, violent conflict, and scarcity have created a food crisis that is making it nearly impossible for people in East Africa to get the food they need to survive. Famine has already been declared in South Sudan . Severe drought in other countries, including Kenya , Ethiopia , and Somalia
17 Mar 2017
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Sealands Field trains hundreds on disaster preparation

The Sealands Field , in conjunction with Asia-Pacific Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, hosted a disaster preparedness conference on the Indonesia Nazarene Theological College campus January 30 through February 3 with more than 220 participants. “Compassion is the church in action” was the focus of
10 Feb 2017
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Churches invited to unite against human trafficking on Freedom Sunday

Over the past three years, more than 400 Nazarene congregations in various countries around the world have participated in Freedom Sunday . The event is a day set aside for prayer, worship, and support around the issue of human trafficking, which enslaves as many as 45.8 million people globally,
20 Jan 2017
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Mexico church hosts inaugural water well opening celebration

Representatives from the Church of the Nazarene, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, and Healing Waters International gathered at Loma Bonita Church of the Nazarene January 7 to celebrate the inauguration of the first water project for the Chiapas – Oaxaca Initiative, a strategy to implement water
13 Jan 2017
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New York church uses kitchen to meet…

13 Mar 2025
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Vadana Kinkar

Vandana Kinkar elected superintendent of…

12 Mar 2025
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Chile national women's conference emphasizes…

12 Mar 2025
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Danny Sison elected superintendent of Panay…

12 Mar 2025
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