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Work & Witness Haiti to build chapel factory

The Church of the Nazarene in Haiti is growing faster than churches can be built. In 2014, the number of new preaching points increased almost 40% over the previous year to 900 and more than 1,000 church buildings are needed in Haiti right now. In an effort to keep up with the growing demand, last
09 Dec 2015
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California team proves service has no age limit

A team of 19 people between the ages of 65 and 80 (and one 30-year-old youngster) journeyed from Pasadena, California, USA, to Auckland, New Zealand, last month on a Work & Witness trip to help the Seabrook Church of the Nazarene. The Seabrook church is in the process of transforming a former
08 May 2015
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Know before you go: Medication

Work & Witness leaders on the Asia-Pacific Region prepared the following information about traveling with prescription and over-the-counter medication: Are you preparing to go on a short-term missions trip or other international travel? Do you have some prescription or over-the-counter medications
29 Apr 2015
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Know before you go: Travel insurance

Work & Witness leaders on the Asia-Pacific Region prepared the following information about travel insurance: As you prepare to take your team on mission, we would like to remind you to consider the insurance issues. A quick review of almost any nightly news program will remind you of the importance
22 Apr 2015
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Know before you go: Photography etiquette

Work & Witness leaders on the Asia-Pacific Region prepared the following guidelines about picture-taking on the region: As we approach the summer season and increased short-term mission trips, we wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts from a recent government security update. The existence
01 Apr 2015
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Jamaica East District completes first mission trip to Pennsylvania

The Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene in York, Pennsylvania, USA, has sent many Work & Witness teams to the Jamaica East District over the years. This growing relationship led to the development of the EJAM program where teams would not only travel from York to Jamaica, but Jamaica to York. The
04 Sep 2014
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Tree in focus

In Memoriam: 12 July 2024

11 Jul 2024
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Argentina Water is Life project

Water and Life helps develop rural Argentina…

11 Jul 2024
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Church of the Nazarene growing in south…

11 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Rescatados

Rescatados camp reaffirms God’s call on…

11 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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